Yzerfontein Residents Association (YRA) was established in 1963 with the aim of looking after the interests of the inhabitants of the town.
Currently, the YRA’s main objective is to promote the management of the town by Swartland Municipality (SM). Co-operation is provided regarding maintenance and improvement of infrastructure as well as administrative matters affecting residents.
The YRA is recognized by SM as the official mouthpiece for residents. The association looks after the interests of residents regarding municipal matters.
The YRA is an independent organization and does not receive funds from Swartland Municipality or other institutions.

An Executive Committee is elected from the members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Portfolios are compiled according to the different matters that require attention and allocated to the members of the Committee. Ad hoc members are sometimes involved in providing additional expertise; or to launch projects.
All work is done on a voluntary basis. If you want to contribute, please contact us.
Bulk services
Yzerfontein’s bulk services of electricity, water and sanitation are under strain. These bulk services are likely to be put under further strain when the approximately 500 (in 2024) undeveloped plots in Yzerfontein are developed.
Septic tanks
There are also approximately 500 (in 2024) homes with septic tanks (also known as soakaways or French drains). Some of these septic tanks are not being properly maintained and this is starting to have a negative impact on the environment. If and when septic tanks are converted to conservancy tanks it will place an additional strain on Yzerfontein’s bulk sewage requirements.
Excessive and inappropriate development
In addition, several applications for the rezoning of land have been/are expected to be received by Swartland Municipality (SM), which will not only place an additional strain on Yzerfontein’s bulk services, but also potentially reshape the social and environmental landscape, if excessive and inappropriate development in the eyes of the community is allowed to take place.

- Eddie Janse : Chairperson
- Mark Durr : Vice Chairperson
- Pieter Koen : Treasurer
- Suzette van Niekerk : Head of Planning and Development
- SW Engelbrecht: Head of Public Services and Infrastructure

Committee Meetings
The YRA Executive Committee normally meets once a month at the Yzerfontein Municipal Council Hall.
Special General Meetings (SGMs)
SGMs may be convened by the Executive Committee or within 21 days of receipt of a written request from at least 25 voting members, to discuss and vote on important matters.
Annual General Meetings (AGMs)
YRA AGMs must be held within three months of the financial year end (30 November). AGM’s, at which inter alia members of the Executive Committee are elected, are normally held during December.