Yzerfontein Residents Association (YRA) was established in 1963 with the aim of looking after the interests of the inhabitants of the town.

Currently, YRA’s main objective is to promote the management of the town by Swartland Municipality (SM). Co-operation is provided regarding maintenance and improvement of infrastructure as well as administrative matters affecting residents.

The Executive Committee

Neale Africa (Yzerfontein Town Manager), Pieter Koen, Eddie Janse, Mark Durr, SW Engelbrecht, Suzette van Niekerk
Billing Errors & Service Issues

If residents detect or experience SM service problems, please contact SM in the first instance:

  • SM’s head office is located at the corner of Rainer St and Kerk St in Malmesbury, and it may be contacted via email on swartlandmun@swartland.org.za or telephone on 0224879400.
  • SM also has a representative office located at 46 Main Road, Yzerfontein which may be contacted on 022 451 2366.

If you are unable to solve your problem yourself, you may contact the YRA to determine whether it can be of assistance: email: admin@yzerfontein.org or call:  +27 (83) 233-9614

Please note, however, that the YRA does not operate a “complaints office” and it will generally only able to assist when the problem affects or could potentially affect a large number of Yzerfontein residents.

Join Us

All Yzerfontein residents over the age of eighteen years of age may apply to become members of the YRA.

Membership runs from December in one calendar year to November in the following calendar year.