The headquarters of Swartland Municipality (SM) is located at Church Street, Malmesbury, and serves an area of approximately 3 700 square kilometres, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Berg River in the east, and it borders on the City of Cape Town in the south, Drakenstein Municipality in the east, Municipality in the north and Saldanha Bay Municipality in the north-east.

SM includes the following towns:
Abbotsdale, Chatsworth, Darling, Kalbaskraal, Koringberg, Malmesbury, Moorreesburg,  Riebeek Castle, Riebeek West,  Riverlands and Yzerfontein.

SM’s head office is located at the corner of Rainer St and Kerk St in Malmesbury, and it may be contacted via email on or telephone on 0224879400.

SM also has a representative office located at 46 Main Road, Yzerfontein which may be contacted on 0224512366.

Yzerfontein falls under Ward 5 in SM. The Current Ward Councillor is Michael Rangasamy whom may be contacted on or 083 453 6060.

SM Yzerfontein office