Yzerfontein Residents’ Association (YRA) – Annual Report 2024
Yzerfontein Residents’ Association (YRA) – Annual Report 2024
During 2024, we celebrated the 61st year of the Association. During all the years the various management committees, elected by the members, has strived to serve and promote the best interests of the members. The 2024 committee worked hard to maintain this standard.
One of the first challenges that the newly appointed Executive Committee faced was the untimely and unprofessional way CK Rumboll and Partners requested Swartland Municipality to circulate a notice of intent for rezoning for the development on portion 4 of farm no. 560 Yzerfontein.
Swartland Municipality has an obligation to make public any requests for rezoning of properties. This request from CK Rumboll and Partners was placed in December 2023 with a cut-off date for feedback of 12 January 2024. This necessitated the Executive Committee to make some hasty decisions regarding this development as most legal services are closed during this period.
The Executive Committee is not opposing changes and developments in Yzerfontein but are working to ensure that the correct processes and procedures for all new developments are duly followed. To assist in the matter, the Executive Committee liaised with expertise on the matter.
A Special meeting was held on the 13th of January 2024 to share the information with members.
The availability or lack of funds does limit the commitments that can be made, and creative ideas were used to obtain funds to support the investigation of the rezoning of farm no. 560.
What YRA achieved during 2024
- The cut-off date for the proposed rezoning of the development on portion 4 of farm no.560 Yzerfontein, was extended to February 2024, allowing our members and other residents to comment on the published notice. YRA funded the legal and ancillary costs for this action through donations.
- We had two Special general meetings with our members and residents on 13 January 2024 and 24 August 2024 to improve feedback to our members.
- Speeding, regular speed traps have been initiated on the R315 into and out of Yzerfontein. Law enforcement will be vigilant during the festive season doing ad hoc monitoring of vehicles not stopping at stop streets.
- We have placed cigarette maxi bins at the main beach for residents and visitors to dispose of cigarette butts. Thank you to the Yzerfontein Sport and Recreation club and Build It for sponsoring these cigarette disposal bins. Cost per cigarette disposal bin amounts to R1852, excluding delivery costs.
- We have had three meetings with Swartland Municipality to enhance relationships including discussions on support for Yzerfontein. The first meeting included a meeting with the Honourable Mayor.
- The YRA webpage was updated. Thank you to Terri-Love designs for assisting the Exco in this regard. Sven Gorille has played a major supportive role in ensuring that the webpage is user friendly and in assisting to add information for viewing by all our members and others. Please visit our website at www.yzerfontein.org.
- A collective budget proposal was provided to SM. Contributors included, Bewarea, NBW, and NSRI. Four main points were identified as important, namely:
- Upgrade of Buitekant street as a dual roadway.
- To make provision for an inflation-based discount for property rates and taxes.
- Upgrade of the tennis courts as this has been requested previously.
- To obtain assistance for the Town Manager as the responsibility area has steadily increased over the past years.
- The Yzerfontein Forum consisting of YRA, NBW, Bewarea, NSRI and Tourism gained momentum.
- The updating of the existing constitution was a huge project which commenced in February. After identifying the deficiencies of the existing constitution, studying numerous other constitutions and obtaining advice from a leading SA law firm, Bowmans, the Exco shared the first draft proposed new constitution with members on 12 July 2024. This was discussed at the YRA’s Special General Meeting on 24 August 2024, where members unanimously passed a resolution providing the Exco with directional support on the proposed new constitution. In adherence to the resolution passed, the Exco circulated a second draft on 17 October 2024 and members were invited to comment by 31 October 2024. A third draft incorporating many of the comments received from members, was circulated to members on 16 November 2024. This draft was subsequently accepted at the AGM on 14 December 2024.
- A project regarding water effluent and seepage into the sea along our coast was initiated by YRA and Bewarea. Several water samples were taken at low tide on the 21st of November 2024 at pre-identified spots. The GPS positions have been captured for follow up sampling. I am pleased to inform you that all the samples except for one had no indication of any impurities or e-coli counts. The one sample indicated a count of 136/100mg of Enterococci which still falls within the good quality threshold. We are pleased to say that you can all enjoy the coastline of Yzerfontein.
- The MEC of Police in the Western Cape was contacted to discuss the shortcomings of the police support that Yzerfontein relies on. Issues that were raised included the lack of a functional telephone line, staff shortage, vehicle shortage, inadequately trained detectives, dysfunctional sector policing, inadequate crime intelligence. The outcome of the discussion was that an unannounced audit was done on Darling police station as well as improved communication and feedback from Herman van der Westhuizen. Matters that affect the NBW was also discussed with the MEC.
- Vodacom’s week signal and reception during loadshedding was addressed. Vodacom subsequently upgraded their batter station in Yzerfontein. Yzerfontein Alarms is investigating roaming sim cards that will benefit both MTN and Vodacom customers.
- Several members were assisted with regards to queries on private concerns and issues.
- A query with regards to the use of cement / asbestos water pipes and the possible dangers thereof was investigated. Our investigation showed that there is no danger to residential drinking water. It was also confirmed by the WHO. What is important is that when such pipes burst, the pipes need to be replaced with new prescribed pipes. SM has identified the cement / asbestos pipeline, which stretched over 315km. SM has a replacement schedule in place.
- Potable water in Yzerfontein is sampled monthly. This sample is taken at the Yzerfontein Municipal offices. This sampling is done by an independent accredited laboratory and is tested in accordance with SANS 241 protocol.
In Conclusion
Thank you to the Executive Committee members for their hours of hard work over the past year. It was a pleasure to work with you on all the various projects.
A special word of thanks to Edward Brittian who is always available and willing to share his expertise on various matters. As well as to our Ward Councillor Ald. Michael Rangasamy and Town Manager Neale Africa for their outstanding attention to matters and co-operation with our Association.
To all our members, I trust that you will know the importance and need for your association and its continued growth. Everything that we do is to promote the well-being of Yzerfontein and the residents of Yzerfontein.
Please encourage your friends and neighbours to become members of the YRA. It is a simple process on our website www.yzerfontein.org
A merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your families.
Looking forward to working with you and for you in 2025.
Eddie Janse
Chairperson 2024