Yzerfontein Seawater Test Sample Results

Following numerous concerns received regarding possible sewage pollution along the Yzerfontein coast seawater test were conducted on the Yzerfontein coastline.

Summary of results as follows with full PDF report attached as link: FULL REPORT

  • No E. coli and Enterococci organisms were detected within the samples taken in Priority Area A
  • No E.coli organisms were detected in Priority Area B. Enterococci organisms were detected in samples T10 and T11, which are associated with rock pools within seepage zones that could be associated with upstream dwellings.
  • Only sample T11 exceeded the Excellent threshold of < 100cfu per 100ml, however, it falls within the Good quality grade with a count of 136cfu per 100ml.
  • Samples T07, T09 and T10B are seawater samples downstream of T10 and T11 and did not detect any Colony-forming units per 100ml, both for E.coli and Enterococci.
  • Based on the above it appears that the coastline along Yzerfontein is fairly safe for human use.
  • Furthermore, it is recommended that a follow-up survey of the seawater quality is done during the middle to late January 2025, providing data that can be associated with Yzerfontein’s peak holiday season.