Yzerfontein Residents’ Association (YRA) – Annual Report 2024

Yzerfontein Residents’ Association (YRA) – Annual Report 2024 During 2024, we celebrated the 61st year of the Association. During all the years the various management committees, elected by the members, has strived to serve and promote the best interests of the members.  The 2024 committee worked hard to maintain this standard. One of the first…

Water Problem

Due to unforeseen complications encountered by the contractor at the upgrade site, it necessitated additional measures affecting the water supply to a wider area in Yzerfontein and increased repair times. A water tanker has been sent to Yzerfontein Community Hall. Engineers were on site, but waiting for a specific part and then the allignment of…

AGM and election of committee

The Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 13 December 2023 at 10h00 in the community hall. During the meeting a new committee must be chosen. Nominations of persons willing to serve on YRA’s committee are awaited. Please contact Edward Brittain (chairman) on 083 318 6170 or send an email to admin@yzerfontein.org Membership of…

Installation of Solar Systems

In keeping with the Government’s initiative to promote the installation of solar systems, the Swartland Munisipality (SM) has recently aligned their policies and by-laws to cater for such installations. It is imperative that you register your system with SM. This needs to be done for safety reasons and also to ensure correct electricity billing. All…

Municipal Budget

As usual, the Residents’ Association made extensive comments on the proposed budget of SM for the coming financial year. A variety of aspects such as taxes, infrastructure (main beach, sidewalks, etc.) as well as municipal policy and implementation were addressed. The full submission can be read here. Swartland Municipality’s feedback on our input is available…